Climate Changed Podcast Discussion Guides

The BTS Center's podcast, Climate Changed, offers intimate interviews and conversations around some of the most pressing questions about faith, life, and climate change. Hosted by Ben Yosua-Davis, Director of Applied Research, and Nicole Diroff, Program Director, and produced by Peterson Toscano, the first season premiered in summer 2022 and featured six episodes. Guests included Rev. Mariama White-Hammond, Corina Newsome, Craig Santos Perez, Keyana Pardilla, and Veronice Miles.

These discussion guides, created by Tyler Mark Nelson, offer an opportunity for you to engage with each episode of the podcast in an individual or group format. We invite you to choose one or more episodes as a group listening and conversational experience, using these discussion guides to help you delve into the questions of living, learning, leading, and loving in a climate-changed world.

Meet Tyler Mark Nelson

Tyler Mark Nelson is a Program Consultant at The BTS Center, where he contributes his training in ecotheology and lifelong practice of nature mysticism to the Center’s programming. With a strong commitment to ecumenical Christianity and the value of interfaith collaboration, he aims to incorporate themes of prophetic imagination, ecological contemplation, and environmental justice into public dialogue.

Now entering his third year of the Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree at Yale Divinity School, Tyler writes often about creatureliness, multispecies flourishing, climate justice, and social critiques of neoliberal capitalism. He graduated from Whitworth University with a B.A. in Theology.

During his prior career in horticulture, Tyler worked with people and plants through roles in human resources, operations management, and organic lavender farming. Tyler and his wife enjoy hiking, gardening, and cooking with their community in New Haven, Connecticut.