
Brave Change
November 2019 Issue

In the Brave Change issue of Bearings, our contributors explore the role of uncertainty, risk, discovery, and faith in moving life in new and unexpected directions. Featured articles by Peter Ilgenfritz and Socorro Castañeda offer compelling stories of major life transitions that challenged them deeply, calling on deep reserves of resilience and building new capabilities that enriched their sense of vocation. Emily Peck-McCain takes a more institutional look at brave change, as her commentary calls ministry leaders and congregations to see change as central to vocation, mission, and Christian identity. In our Creative Insights section, Mark Collins shares his own brave change as writer, moving from his usual nonfiction form to poetry and visual story, as he reflects on the dramatic changes the promise of new life and the inevitability of death bring in our Creative Insights section. Finally, as a balm for the uncertainty, unsettledness, and trauma change often brings as it wends its way to more positive territory in our lives, we call up from our archives a piece Darleen Pryds shared in 2018 on the healing movement into "thin space" and back out into a changed world.

Change, Brave and Otherwise

By Elizabeth Drescher

Gratitude for Elizabeth Drescher

By Allen Ewing-Merrill

Our Lady of Brave Change

By Socorro Castañeda