Victoria Loorz, MDiv

Victoria Loorz, MDiv, is a Wild Church pastor, an Eco-Spiritual Director, and author of Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred. She is co-founder of the ecumenical Wild Church Network and founder of the Center for Wild Spirituality, which offers experiential, earth-based training programs such as Seminary of the Wild Earth, a year-long eco-spirituality program that supports a new kind of spiritual leadership, focused on helping people to re-member themselves back into intimate, sacred relationship with the rest of the living world. In Fall 2023, a new Eco-Spiritual Direction certification program will be launching that includes the beings from the rest of the natural world in the companioning process. Her upcoming books include A Field Guide to Wild Church, to be released in the Fall of 2024, and Wild Spirituality, the following year.