Leadership Commons Open House

Occurred on Wednesday, November 16, 2022

This November, The BTS Center invited you to the next of our quarterly virtual Open Houses showcasing the offerings of our Leadership Commons

The Leadership Commons is a space where we are developing new content, and gathering materials adapted from past programs, to help equip faith leaders in the work of guiding communities of spiritual practice through the uncertainties of life on a changing planet. 

Our offerings continue to grow and expand under the guidance of our Leadership Commons Curator team, and the Open House was an opportunity to learn more about how you and your congregation or community can access and make use of these vibrant resources. 

For our November Open House, we were joined by Ophelia Hu Kinney, one of our Leadership Commons Curators. Ophelia presented her new resource, “An Epistolary Practice of Play for the Seventh Generation,” which offers guidance for a letter-writing practice centered around themes of climate change, resilience, and eco-consciousness. 

Meet Ophelia Hu Kinney

Ophelia Hu Kinney (she/her) is a storyteller most frequently translating experiences of divinity and wonder. She is a child of immigrants, a spouse, and a sister. She serves as the Director of Communications at Reconciling Ministries Network and the Worship Coordinator at HopeGateWay, a Methodist-inspired community of faith in Portland, Maine.