We invite you to preach an EcoSermon sometime between our April EcoPreacher session and our July EcoPreacher session and thoughtfully complete a form that will contribute to our research as well as build a preaching resource for your fellow EcoPreachers.
In the form you are asked to create a sermon synopsis and we are imagining this will be the central part of the searchable resource we create for you. With lots of gratitude to Carolyn Sharp and Leah Schade, you'll find attached two examples so you know the sort of thing we're looking for. You're also invited to share, as you are able, a link to a video recording of your sermon and/or your manuscript. Again you'll find attached a sample of a full sermon for some inspiration.
Additionally, we would like to encourage you to consider conducting (or having someone conduct for you) a sermon talk-back session to gain feedback and perspective on your EcoPreaching. Attached is a sermon talk-back form that we hope is helpful in guiding this process.
We want to acknowledge that in many ways we have been inviting you to think about EcoPreaching as an approach to preaching that's less about one great Earth Day sermon and more about a weekly posture in the pulpit. That said, we're still interested to hear more about a particular sermon that's been inspired in some way by your participation in this cohort.