12:15-12:30 pm (EDT) Zoom Overview
12:30-2:30 pm (EDT) Session 1: Online
Welcome from hosts Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, Rev. Nicole Diroff, and Kay Ahmed
Music & gathering ritual with Thew Elliott and Aram Mitchell
Presentation by Sherri Mitchell – Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset
Interview with Ben Yosua-Davis
2:30-4:00 pm (EDT) Session 2: Offline
Learning from eco-innovators Susan MacKenzie, Ph.D. and Rev. Francis Kinyua
Self-guided trailside spiritual practices
4:00-5:30 pm (EDT) Session 3: Online
Greetings & blessings from Rev. Jane Field, Maine Council of Churches, and Rev. Jonna Jensen, Maine Conference UCC
Live conversation with eco-innovators: Susan MacKenzie, Ph.D. and Rev. Francis Kinyua spotlighted
5:30-7:00 pm (EDT) — Break
7:00-8:30 pm (EDT) Session 4: Online
Music and art with Thew Elliott and Rob Shetterly
Small group conversations and community building
Americans Who Tell the Truth poster giveaway
12:30-2:00 pm (EDT) Session 5: Online
Rev. Daniel Wolpert on why spiritual practice matters for grounded leadership in an era of ecological emergency
Creation's Wisdom book giveaway
Contemplative practice mini-retreats
2:00-3:30 pm (EDT) Session 6: Offline
Learning from eco-innovators Jay O'Hara and Saarah Latif
3:30-5:30 pm (EDT) Session 7: Online
National Parks Pass and Natural Resources Council of Maine membership giveaways
Live conversation with eco-innovators: Jay O'Hara and Saarah Latif spotlighted
Closing blessing with Thew Elliott and Aram Mitchell
5:30-7:00 pm (EDT) — Break
7:00-8:30 pm (EDT) Session 8: Online
A powerful capstone gathering focused on healing and connecting within the context of a nightmare
Performance & learning from teaching artist Myles Bullen
Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas on moving from addiction to action
Rooted & Rising book giveaway
Creation's Wisdom Book Retreat with author Daniel Wolpert, offered by The BTS Center in collaboration with MICAH (Minnesota Institute of Contemplation & Healing) – 5 sessions, beginning November 12. Click here to learn more and register.
Unlocking Possibility Speaker Series
Every crisis can be an invitation to dream. Even in uncertain moments, we are called to imagine better futures together: for ourselves, for our communities, and for our planet. In this series, we’ll be talking with leading thinker-practitioners about the art and practice of imagination: both how to create wide-open spaces for possibilities that others find impossible and what it looks like when our dreams become reality. Speakers include Dominique Christina, Rob Hopkins, Bill McKibben and Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. Click here to learn more and register.
Unlocking Possibility Co-Learning Community
Truly, there has never been a more urgent time for us to imagine new possibilities for the future. Thankfully, imagination is not a gift given to a few, but a discipline that can be practiced by all of us. If you’re intrigued by the possibilities of an intentionally imaginative frame for life, join us as well for a small group, praxis-based learning experience. Click here to learn more and register.