Convocation 2024

Hope in Small Places:
Becoming People of Refugia Faith


In-person at Maple Hill Farm Inn & Conference Center, Hallowell, Maine

Thursday, September 26

10:00 am • Gathering & Welcome
10:30 am • Opening Worship with Rev. Mariama White-Hammond
12:00 pm • Lunch
1:00 pm • Creative / Contemplative Immersion Options
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm "Hope in Small Places" with Debra Rienstra
4:15 pm • Break
4:45 pm • Lectio Terra Affinity Groups
6:00 pm • Dinner
7:00 pm • Evening of Theater, Movement & Music
8:30 pm • Fireside Lingering

Friday, September 27

8:30 am •
Gathering & Coffee / Tea
9:00 am • "Becoming People of Refugia Faith" with Debra Rienstra
10:30 am • Break
11:00 am • Lectio Terra Affinity Groups
12:15 pm • Lunch
1:00 pm • Creative / Contemplative Immersion Options
2:30 pm • Closing Worship
3:00 pm • Farewell