Paying attention is the ability to be mindful, to practice a posture of intentional listening to our inner selves as well as to those around us. Doing so helps us to learn and understand even the unverbalized crucial messages that are constantly signaled from all around us. Paying attention in this way provides insight to shape a hopeful future. It also affirms the reality of our own existence as part of the larger ecology of social, political, and environmental systems. It is in paying attention that we realize the enormous contribution of other creatures and the earth itself to our wellbeing, and our responsibility to foster life. As we pay attention we realize at a deep, soul level that the natural garden—the wild garden of field and forest, savannah and wetland--is a complete community that can exist without us, while the reverse is impossible. As we pay attention to natural ecosystems, we learn that the garden is essential for our lives. From the garden comes our food and oxygen. In tending the garden, we tend our own future. Therefore, it’s in paying attention to specific practices such as composting, that we feed the hidden life of soil—micro-organisms—through which we nourish the soil toward providing the building blocks for plants for ourselves and the rest of creation. Paying attention is the foundation for flourishing life. During the session, we'll be sharing stories about the blessings that come from paying attention.