Special Series
Bearings: Navigating Life-as-Ministry has won multiple awards—not only for the publication as a whole, but also for series of posts that focus upon significant issues and themes.
Listed below are our award-winning series. Click on a series title for links to its component posts, together with reflection questions designed to promote contemplation and conversation.
DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award Winners (Blog Series Category)
2017 Award of Excellence – “Faith, Love, and Resistance: Progressive Christian Political Engagement Before and After the 2016 Election”
2016 Award of Excellence – “Standing for Justice: A Conversation on Race, Ministry, Leadership, and Congregational Life”
About the Awards: The Religion Communicators Council(RCC) is a national interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing, and public relations. Through its DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards program, the RCC “recognizes the achievements of RCC members who demonstrate excellence as religion communicators.”
For media inquiries or questions about Bearings, please contact us at bearings@thebtscenter.org.